Our mission is to advance the economic wellness of black communities worldwide by inspiring change at a corporate, community, and individual level.

Make it BLACK is an initiative developed by Pull Up For Change to create meaningful conversations around the word Black. The program partners with leading Brands to showcase the beauty of Black and 100% of the net proceeds are allocated to the Pull Up For Change Impact Fund.
“This is not a Black fight, this is everybody’s fight. Every single individual has an important role to play.”
Sharon Chuter - Founder Pull Up For Change

Black people make up 13.4% of American Total Population
and are significantly underepresented in business.

< 1 %
of investment $ goes to
Black Businesses

4 %
of the Fortune 500
CEO's are Black

3.2 %
of Management
employees are Black

8 %
of corporate employees
in total are Black
Our Key Programs

Make It Black.
We celebrate the beauty of Black
by partnering with leading brands
to convert their iconic products to
Black. 100% of the proceeds go to
the Pull Up For Change (PUFC)
Impact Fund.

We support and foster the next
generation of Black
Entrepreneurs by providing
Grants to Pre-Seed stage

We bridge the gap to
connect Organizations
with Black talent from
Early Career through to
C-Suite and Board level
Black Talent.
PUFC fellowship
Click to learn more about our class of 2021 and the incredible industry-changing businesses they are building powered by the PUFC impact fund.

"We are no longer accepting the things we cannot change, we are changing the things we cannot accept."
Angela Davis